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Classes and Workshops

Please call or email to reserve your spot.

(831)566-8851, isabellkfearnsby@gmail.com

Plein Air Painting Series

Come experience the beauty of nature by painting on location in some of the most beautiful areas in Santa Cruz County!

I'll offer a short demo, instruction on plein air painting techniques and support while you enjoy nature through painting! 

Saturdays 10 - noon or 2 to 4: June 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th and July 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd

Please email or call to register: isabellkfearnsby@gmail.com


Connecting to Nature;
Figure in the Natural Environment

This six week class offers an integrated and carefully planned approach involving going into nature, photographing models, designing from photographs, drawing in and painting on a larger format in the studio to create a successful painting that communicates ones personal connection with nature. Meets once a week. Please call or email to reserve space.

January 2015 - March 2015

(See supply list bellow)

"Nature Spirit"             


Plein Air Painting

(See supply list bellow)

please call for current times and dates
"San Simeon Mission, Plein Air"          


Painting and Drawing Fundamentals

(See supply list bellow)

please call for current times and dates

"Summertime, Beer and Orange"  Limited palette:             

Ultramarine Blue, Burnt Sienna, Yellow Ochre and White           

Make your Nocturnes Glow


"Shoppers Corner"           

Find Your Personal Color Scheme


"Harbor Lighthouse at Sunset"          
Backlit Basics


"Lauren under the Oak"              

Supply List:

Full Palette:

(optional colors in parenthesis)

Titanium White

Naples Yellow

Yellow Ochre

Cadmium Yellow

(Zinc Yellow)

(Cinnabar Green)

(Sap green)


Cerulean Blue

(Prussian Blue)

Ultramarine Blue

Alizarin Crimson

Cadmium Red

Burnt Sienna

Burnt Umber

Raw Umber

Van Dyke Brown (Gamblin)

and Liquin Original Medium

You can get the less expensive "hue" in some colors but open the cap and see the difference between the regular and the hue. I like Gamblin and Windsor Newton but Winton is a fine student-grade brand too. And an acrylic paint for the toning of the canvas, a nice mid value grey or muted neutral color like Raw Sienna or Yellow Ochre...


at least
1 of each size: 4,6,8 and 10 

2 of these sizes "filberts",
2 of these "flats" 
they can be synthetic or natural hair as you like.

(ie: size 4 synthetic filbert, sized 6 flat hogs hair, sized 8 synthetic filbert, size 10 bristle flat)


a bright in a size 4 or 6
a smaller, size 1 or 2, bristle drawing brush
a fan brush, sable, for blending
a smaller, size 2?, detail sable brush


Turpanoid Natural
A spring canister for washing
Canola Oil
Paper towels


A disposable palette is fine, if available get one in a mid-tone grey


as you like, board, framed
size 8x10 to 11 x 14 to start

You can tone your canvas first with an acrylic paint, a nice mid value grey or muted neutral color like Raw Sienna or Yellow Ochre...

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